Friday, November 12, 2010

My GPS and Me


I love my GPS. My wife got it for me for Christmas last year, and, being that I have a REALLY bad sense of direction, it quickly became one of my favorite gadgets. I even downloaded a variety of voices to make it more interesting (no trip is complete without Yoda or G.W. Bush telling me where to go).

I recently had two totally unrelated conversations with two people who are close to me, that made me take a hard look at myself. Not in a way that was critical or deprecating, but rather in way that challenged some of the "givens" I had about myself and the world I lived in (one conversation wasn't even specifically about me, but rather a discussion on people and happiness in general in response to a question I asked).

Being able to take a clear and honest look at ourselves and really evaluate where or who we are, especially when that evaluation challenges some of our presuppositions, is hard; but it's necessary if we are going to grow and make real decisions. A GPS always starts with where you are, before figuring out how to get you where you want to go. I will say that I am not done marinating on either of the two conversations, but I know that when I come out of this time of self-reflection, I will have a better understanding of who I am, andthat will help me get where I should be going.

Where are you on your journey?

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